What is Rebalance Impulse therapy?

Mental Wellness & Neuroscience

REBALANCE Impulse® is a revolutionary non-invasive Mental Wellness & Neuro-Relaxation machine.
Our stimulation and cognitive training device based on neuroscience is mainly devoted to fighting chronic stress, improving sleep quality, and strengthening the immune system.


    Whether you are a high-level athlete, business owner, or working a 9-to-5 job, this program might be right for you. If you, like many, are experiencing significant stress, it is definitely for you!

    The harm that stress can cause and the impact of excess stress on your daily life is no longer a secret. Research by two Nobel Prize winners has shown that chronic stress is, quite unexpectedly, the main factor in accelerated aging and increased neurodegenerative illness.

    In addition, a large body of research has presented chronic stress as the main driver for the explosion in chronic illness: high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cancer, cognitive degeneration, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and cardiovascular diseases.

    The Global Organization for Stress reports that 80% of people feel stress at work. In addition, the American Institute of Stress reveals that 73% of people experience stress that affects their mental health, and 77% experience stress that affects their physical health.

    Therefore, fighting chronic stress has become a personal priority, as well as a real public health issue.



    The training and cognitive stimulation sessions offered in the “Neuro-Relaxation” program combine chromorhythm-based breathing techniques with exclusive Synchromotherapy® protocols. These specific and targeted stimulations promote the production of Alpha and Theta brain waves conducive to relaxation and regeneration, as well as the release of the three well-being neurohormones: serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin.

    Advanced meditation exercises, accompanied by auditory frequency stimulations improve the regulation of emotions and help reduce stress. Slowing down the activity of the amygdala and the areas of the brain involved in managing negative emotions allows for a calmer mind and better stress management, in both the short and long term.

    Together, these applied neuroscience techniques rebalance® your autonomic nervous system. The Rebalance Impulse® “Neuro-Relaxation” program will provide you with an effective solution that will enable you to keep your stress under control for good.


    If you are having difficulty falling asleep, cannot get a full night’s rest, or wake up frequently during the night, this program is for you!

    There are a multitude of factors that may impact your sleep. Stress, anxiety, emotional exhaustion, age, or an irregular daily schedule are all causes that disturb the quality of your sleep. Your deep sleep is diminished, awakenings are more frequent, and you wake up in the morning still feeling tired.

    In order to improve the quality of your sleep and ensure you feel restored every morning, Rebalance Impulse® proposes a specific training program that will change your life.


    Exercises based on breathing and mindfulness have proven their effectiveness in improving sleep quality and reducing the impact of stress-related symptoms.

    The Rebalance Impulse® sessions specifically dedicated to the “Sleep” program combine innovative and exclusive Synchromotherapy® protocols and chromorhythm-based cardiac coherence breathing exercises for unparalleled benefits. These stimulations activate the parasympathetic nervous system, increase the amplitude of Alpha waves, and regulate your stress. Learning specific techniques for brain anchoring will allow you to fall asleep quickly and, if necessary, to get back to sleep fast if woken up during the night.

    Rebalance Impulse® will enable you to find a restful sleep that will significantly and lastingly increase the quality of your life and your ability to recover.


    If you, like many, are finding it difficult to return to your life as it was before Covid-19, this program is for you! Rebalance Impulse® will help you regain your concentration and many other cognitive capacities that will have been reduced after a Covid-19 episode.

    To date, all government-sponsored research studies in Europe and the United States have reported alarming findings about persistent symptoms after a Covid- 19 episode.

    This set of long-term acute symptoms is known as “long Covid”. More than 20% of people who contracted Covid-19, regardless of the severity of their symptoms, are affected by long Covid, with cognitive damage equivalent to 10 years of premature brain aging. These persistent symptoms may vary from person to person: difficulty with memory, sense of orientation, and attention span, a loss of taste and smell, “brain fog”, chronic fatigue, a depressive state, muscle weakness, difficulty performing precise movements.

    Fortunately, Rebalance Impulse®’s “Long Covid Recovery” program will allow you to recover your cognitive and physical performance in a few short weeks.


    Many studies have shown that cognitive impairment and decreased mental performance are reversible through meditation, cognitive, and behavioral therapies. These exercises and training programs increase the neuronal activation of certain brain regions and structurally modify the brain areas that play a key role in behavior, memory, language, and emotions.

    Our “Long Covid Recovery” program stimulates brain activity and the structural areas involved in memory, language, decision-making, motor skills, and spatial orientation. The combination of chromotherapy, sonotherapy, and Synchromotherapy® protocols creates a unique synergistic effect that accelerates cognitive recovery processes and leads to unparalleled – and clinically validated – outcomes.

    The program also results in a strong activation of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system and a sharp increase in Alpha and Theta wave activity to combat the inflammatory micro-outbreaks caused by Covid-19.

    You will be heading toward a renewed quality of life.


    There are different types of pain; some people suffer as a result of over- exercising, and others from a lack of exercise. Whether you are an athlete training several hours a day or working behind a desk for the majority of the day, this program will benefit you!

    Joint and muscular pain, referred to generally as musculoskeletal disorders, affects a large part of the population. Such pain usually occurs after a bad night’s sleep, unusual physical activity, or in response to a period of overload.

    This pain can sometimes last over time and affect your quality of life. Age, physical inactivity, and stress are factors that will accelerate the development of chronic joint and muscle pain. For some, long-lasting chronic pain may persist well after the cause of the pain has disappeared.

    Our Rebalance Impulse® training program known as “Pain Management” will give you the keys to control or eliminate these kinds of pain and thus restore your lasting well-being.

    Various research studies have shown that participants who have completed a mindfulness meditation program have a reduced level of perceived pain. These exercises foster the creation of new connections in the brain, and this neural reorganization promotes better stress management and a reduction in inflammation – and in its consequences on the body.

    Rebalance Impulse® offers advanced meditation protocols from applied neuroscience. Our chromorhythm-based breathing exercises, combined with Synchromotherapy® stimulations and guided mental imagery exercises, successfully halt the sensations of chronic pain. A new life of comfort awaits you!


    If you have been experiencing memory loss, difficulty concentrating, or are simply preparing for exams, this is the right program for you!

    Memorisation is a complex process that can be negatively impacted by different factors such as physical fatigue, stress, emotional imbalance, excessive mental work, dietary imbalance, or degeneration. Any one of these factors may cause you to have trouble concentrating and getting organized, or to suffer small and more frequent memory gaps.

    Boost your brain agility and improve your concentration and memorisation skills thanks to our “Memory & Concentration” program.


    Numerous studies have shown changes in the activity and structure of the areas of the brain associated with attention and memorisation (the anterior cingulate cortex and hippocampus) in response to meditative practices.

    The Rebalance Impulse® sessions in the “Memory & Concentration” program promote targeted brain activity around these specific areas. By combining the benefits of exclusive Synchromotherapy® protocols, your autonomic nervous system is rebalanced, your stress levels are decreased, and your sleep quality is improved. The memory and concentration processes are thus greatly improved. The results speak for themselves and your cognitive performance increases.


    Do you feel that the time has come to make a change and regain control of your body? If you are seeking to improve your energy levels and wish to find your optimal weight, this program is for you!

    It goes deeper than just appearances; we know that losing weight can become a real necessity for health and well-being. Weight gain (and controlling your weight) is not determined by diet alone. It also involves thoughts, emotions, stress, and sleep quality.

    Our “Slimming” program is for anyone who has been continuously gaining weight and is unable to reverse the process and control their weight by following a diet.


    Recent research (Ndiaye et al., 2020) has shown that the brain areas involved in addiction and reward mechanisms are partly responsible for weight gain. Being overweight is commonly associated with the need to eat to manage stress and emotions, unlike monogenic obesity, which leads to hunger. Following a diet can therefore create a feeling of craving and can generate stress, which is incompatible with achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. This scientific discovery ultimately validates the idea that behavioral support is needed to combat addiction, unlike following a diet, which will create a craving.

    Rebalance® has developed chromorhythm-based cardiac coherence breathing exercises associated with a brain anchoring (i.e., a specific movement or gesture) and Synchromotherapy® stimulations to help you change your perspective on the causes that lead to being overweight and to achieve emotional balance. You will lose weight in a way that is appropriate for your health and your metabolism, including tackling compulsive eating behaviors, stress, and improving the quality of your sleep.

    You will achieve your optimal weight smoothly and sustainably, and as our studies have shown, you will adopt a diet that makes more room for fruits and vegetables.

    You will be surprised by your newfound vitality!


    If you no longer feel in control of the foods, drinks, or substances that you consume and believe that an addiction is polluting your life, this is the right program for you!

    Addictions are becoming increasingly common, with around 60-65% of the Western population suffering from them. There are a variety of addictions ranging from tobacco, alcohol or gambling to overconsumption of foods such as chocolate.

    Addictions gradually alter the brain circuits involved in reward and pleasure by reducing the sensitivity of neurotransmitters and by decreasing the natural production of endorphins. Rebalance Impulse® provides you with an effective and sustainable solution to overcome addictive behaviors. Targeted brain stimulation and training will bring your addictions under control and make you feel immediate physical and mental health benefits.


    Meditative practices promote awareness of triggers and automated reactions related to substance use. They inhibit the behaviors related to the desire to consume, thus gradually diminishing and then extinguishing cravings.

    The exercises in our “Addictions” program, coupled with specific Synchromotherapy® stimulations, bring people into a state of deep relaxation, allow for emotional rebalancing, and promote a brain anchoring. Moreover, Rebalance Impulse® sessions contribute to a decrease in stress and a release of neurohormones of happiness and well-being. In a few sessions, the relationship to addictions is profoundly modified and compulsive attitudes will be part of the past. For many, a new life is coming.


    Finding it difficult to manage your anger or sadness? Feeling unable to keep calm in moments of frustration? Sometimes all it takes is a major change in your personal life, or an important deadline at work, for you to lose your footing. These types of events are often a source of anxiety, stress, irritability, and are accompanied by a feeling of exhaustion.

    To perform well in our daily lives, we must be able to control our emotions, but this can be challenging at times!

    Emotional management varies greatly from person to person. Our past life events and our environment influence the structure of our brains and especially the system of emotions. Our “Emotions Management” program allows you to reprogram your brain in the long term to help you overcome difficult episodes and regain calm, well-being, and serenity in your daily life.


    To be less prone to anxiety or depression, one must learn how to calm one’s emotional brain, especially the amygdala. A growing body of research confirms that mindfulness meditation techniques help regulate stress responsiveness, develop self-control, and reinforce positive cognitive emotional processes.

    Our specific protocols combine targeted techniques of guided mental imagery with chromorhythm-based breathing exercises and Synchromotherapy® stimulations. These will gradually give you powerful tools to reduce and suppress anxiety attacks, depressive states, and signs of irritability. You, and especially your loved ones, will bear witness to this newfound balance.


    Have you recently noticed a decline in your abilities? You might be less productive than you were before and less able to concentrate or recall certain events. If you can relate, this program will help you!

    One of the first indicators of the brain aging is a slowdown in brain activity, and more specifically, a reduction in Theta wave production. The consequences of this aging are a loss of cognitive faculties: impairment of memory, attention, sense of orientation, language or change in motor and behavioral faculties.

    The Rebalance® Impulse “Brain Anti-Aging” program is a unique brain training pathway specifically designed to stimulate brain activity and prevent age-related cognitive decline.


    Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive effects of mental imagery, mindfulness meditation, and light therapy sessions on cognitive parameters, particularly in the areas of orientation, language, and memory.

    The innovative and exclusive Synchromotherapy® protocols naturally stimulate the production of Theta brainwaves, which are important contributors to memorizing information and improve the synchronization of these waves across different areas of the brain. By combining guided mental imagery exercises and sound stimulation specifically developed for the “Brain Anti-Aging” program, Rebalance® Impulse sessions promote harmonious brain activity to slow down degeneration processes and brain aging.

    Reach new heights with your newfound mental agility!


    In our lives, we may be faced with events that are difficult to overcome. If your daily life is being polluted by traumatic thoughts and your mind is unable to find peace, this program will benefit you!

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be compared to an anxiety disorder that results from an event with traumatic potential. It is estimated that 70% of the world’s population has experienced or will experience such an event, and about 10% of people suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. These individuals have three main symptoms (repetition or intrusion, avoidance, and hypervigilance), which are often accompanied by depression, sleep disorders, or difficulty concentrating.


    The EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy, developed by American psychologist Francine Shapiro reduces anxiety, stops the onset of traumatic images and intrusive thoughts (flashbacks). EMDR plays a therapeutic role through a visual recall process associated with eye movements. It also improves sleep for people with PTSD.

    Rebalance Impulse® is the first fully autonomous device for the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD). The sessions specifically designed for this exclusive program offer synchronized light scenarios (Synchromotherapy®) based on frequencies whose effectiveness has been validated in the laboratory through electroencencephalogram (EEG) testing. The user can easily perform visualization and eye movement exercises according to chromorhythm-based protocols, without the intervention of a therapist. These stimulations trigger a very specific brain activity, creating a kind of deep slow-wave sleep while awake. The synchronization of activity in different brain regions induced by these exercises also stimulates memory mechanisms and transforms intrusive thoughts into non-traumatic memories.



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REBALANCE® Impulse is a non-invasive, nonjudgmental, mental wellness and neuro-relaxation sanctuary.

It combines the best in stimulation and cognitive training with the most advanced understanding of relaxation, applying neuroscience in a revolutionary way to fight chronic stress, improve sleep quality, and enhance vitality.

  • Beyond Mental Wellness and Neuro-Relaxation, the work done with Rebalance Impulse® is considered an advanced brain training, beneficial for restoring or enhancing cognitive functions.

    The guided neuro-meditation and Synchromotherapy® protocols enable users to achieve the desired meditative state more rapidly than ever before.


    We designed the REBALANCE Impulse® experience to be as simple as possible. You do not need to change your clothes before starting a session. Just slip off your shoes and get settled in.


    Your journey begins, and a gentle voice will guide you throughout your session.

    Each session is made up of various guided mental imagery exercises, timed breathing exercises and musical interludes. Each exercise is tailored to your goals: anti-stress, managing your emotions, managing pain, and so on.

    Throughout this session, you will bathe in an ocean of light that softly, but directly, influences each cell and each nerve fibre of your body.

    No matter which theme you choose, at the end of the session, you will feel relaxed, fully aware, with a clear mind. You will feel complete wellbeing.

  • After just a few sessions (and sometimes even after just one), you'll be able to identify your optimal relaxation method.

    By understanding your unique response to different relaxation techniques, you can unlock the mechanisms through which you can control stress, recalibrate your emotions, and rediscover your balance.

    The impact of this deep relaxation and rebalancing extends far beyond the session itself.

    You'll notice improvements in the quality of your sleep, a boost in your vitality, an uplift in your mood, and even an enhanced immune system response.

    By restoring your balance, you're essentially investing in a healthier, happier life.


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