Lifestyle GP Assessment

Our Lifestyle GP Assessment offers a 45-minute face-to-face consultation with an experienced doctor. This comprehensive session includes a review of current and past medical problems, as well as any health concerns. We conduct biometric measurements such as weight, height, waist circumference, and visceral fat. Additionally, we perform a heart tracing to detect rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, which can lead to a stroke. The assessment also includes a step fitness test and concludes with a bespoke management plan. This plan may recommend further blood tests to understand your current health risks in more detail.

Comprehensive Lifestyle Health Check

Our Comprehensive Lifestyle Health Check includes a 45-minute detailed consultation with an experienced doctor. The session covers a review of your medical history and current health concerns. We measure biometrics, conduct full multi-organ blood tests, and perform a heart tracing to detect abnormalities such as atrial fibrillation. A step fitness test is also included. Based on the findings, you will receive personalised lifestyle action points and a comprehensive report. We also offer a bespoke review plan to support a risk reduction strategy and help you master healthy habits. This plan is designed to optimize your health and prevent future illnesses.

Slow Down Aging and Maximize Healthy Life Expectancy

Aging does not inevitably mean poor health or disability. By taking control of lifestyle factors, individuals can influence 80% of the aging process. Furthermore, 42% of newly diagnosed cancers may have been avoidable. Our comprehensive lifestyle assessments, examinations, and blood tests empower you to make personalised, active choices to improve your health. We aim to compress the period of life spent with disability by preventing disease, identifying early signs of illness, and managing conditions at an early stage to enable reversal. Our goal is to support you in maximising your healthy life expectancy and enhancing your overall well-being.

Dr Kate Staveley
@ Revive


Facial Aesthetics Clinic


Menopause Health